to the community
Hello and deep heartfelt welcome from me to you! It takes a lot of courage to try something new and I honor that spark within you!
Next, take a moment to read the waiver below and to sign these few forms before you come to class or circle.
What to bring? Bring an open mind and journal or notebook to Women's Circles, notebook is optional for classes and workshops
What to wear? Wear clothing that you can move freely in. Yoga pants, leggings, shorts, skirts (with shorts or leggings under cause we stretch), tank top, t-shirt, sports bra & crop tops. You should feel comfortable & beautiful!
Where do I go?
Most event are at the YCC Studio (unless otherwise stated in description) The YCC is located at Franklin Arts Center Brainerd Mn. Enter the West door (with barber shop), its to your left , 1st floor, room 125.
Community standards
1.Be kind and respectful. No bullying, racism or sexism will be accepted. Gossip and "cattiness" are not accepted as they are disempowering to us all. You will receive 1 warning, and then asked to leave if it continues
2. Privacy always keep sensitive info that others have shared in class and circle PRIVATE. We touch on some tough subjects and go into deep conversations and they shall remain in the circle please.
3. Bring an open mind we welcome women from all walks of life and we discuss many concepts that are not the societal norm. Please remain open and lean into curiosity.
4. Have fun! Don't take things TOO seriously. Life is stressful enough for most of us, am I right? We are here to connect, have fun, empower one another and grow together! Let's be present, in the moment and just enjoy the time together!
5. What if I miss a class?
First, contact Megg ASAP here
If more than half of the class has to cancel,
we will reschedule class.
We do not offer refunds for general sickness and life surprises. However, if there is a health/family emergency, you can contact Megg here and receive class credit towards a future class.
6. What if class is canceled?
First Megg will contact you via text
Then she will reschedule class for a later date.
If you cannot make the rescheduled date, contact Megg here, you will receive credit for a future class of equal value.

Please read & sign below
Student/client only has to fill out once,
not for every event.
If you desire to make changes to previously signed contract, please contact Megg here